Having published over 350 academic papers and is an author and co-author of over 40 books, including The Neurotic Organization, Leaders, Fools and Impostors, Life and Death in the Executive Fast Lane, The Leadership Mystique, The Happiness Equation, Are Leaders Made or Are They Born? The Case of Alexander the Great, The New Russian Business Elite, Leadership by Terror, The Global Executive Leadership Inventory, The Leader on the Couch plus much more, Manfred is a highly regarded individual whose work has been translated, used and research all around the world.
With topics of interests that include leadership development, top executive team building, organisational change and cross-cultural management, Manfred can adapt and change his style of presentation to suit any audience, having the ability to engage and inspire any who listen to his highly thought-provoking and educational speeches.
An expert in his field, Manfred Kets de Vries brings a different view to some of the most studied subjects of leadership and teamwork, by discussing the dynamics of individual and organisational change. With experience in economics, management, and psychoanalysis, Manfred is a perfect choice to filter through and explore the collaboration between international management, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and dynamic psychiatry.