Cyber Security Speakers

Cyber Security Speakers

Cyber security is the practice of safeguarding devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets, as well as online services, from theft, damage and unauthorised access. Protecting both personal and organisational data stored online, cyber security looks to reduce the risk of cyber attacks. Cyber security speakers mobilise organisations against digital threats, imparting critical expertise on evolving cyber risks and defensive strategies. 

Book Official Cyber Security Speakers Today

In 2023, over 353 million people fell victim to data breaches, highlighting the escalating cyber threat landscape. The urgency for awareness of the importance of cyber security is undeniable, and hiring a cyber security speaker is crucial in educating and preparing organisations and individuals against these pervasive and sophisticated cyber threats. Offering valuable expertise, cyber security speakers share insights on current cyber threats, potential vulnerabilities and protective strategies. Their knowledge helps organisations and individuals to better understand and mitigate risks, fostering a culture of safety in an increasingly digital landscape. If you want to prioritise digital security in 2025 and beyond, hire a cyber security speaker today.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the collective methods, technologies and processes to protect the integrity of networks, devices and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. It is essential for safeguarding information stored on our commonly used devices like smartphones, laptops and computers, as well as online services accessed both personally and professionally. Cyber security's primary objective is to shield sensitive information, prevent data breaches and thwart attempts to disrupt or damage data integrity. As digital threats become more sophisticated and pervasive, with more devices than people and increasingly innovative attackers, implementing robust cyber security strategies has become more complex and critically important in our interconnected world.

Source: National Cyber Security Centre & CISCO

Why is Cyber Security Important?

Cyber security's importance is increasingly evident in today's interconnected world, where geopolitical tensions and digital advancements elevate risks. Serving as the guardian of supply chains, physical infrastructure and external networks, cyber security ensures the continuity and integrity of organisational operations. The State of Cybersecurity 2023 report highlights that 97% of organisations witnessed a spike in cyber threats amid geopolitical unrest, emphasising the need for fortified defences, especially in third-party and external networks. Cyber attacks can have dire economic, regulatory and reputational consequences, threatening information security, destabilising livelihoods and causing widespread disruption. They target critical infrastructures and private data, leading to financial loss, regulatory breaches and trust erosion. A robust cyber security program is crucial for all businesses to defend against these pervasive and evolving threats, maintaining resilience in an increasingly complex and vulnerable digital landscape.

Who are the Top Cyber Security Keynote Speakers to Hire?

Having the right cyber security speaker is crucial, due to the specialised knowledge and insights they deliver at corporate conferences. Communicating complex cyber threats in an accessible manner, cyber security speakers inspire proactive measures that transform an organisation's approach to digital security. Proving invaluable in a rapidly evolving cyber landscape, it is crucial to select the right cyber security speaker for your conference. If you need guidance on who the best cyber security speakers to meet your requirements are, refer to our official selection of the World's Top 12 Cyber Security Speakers to Hire.

Given the rising importance of good cyber security, a great way to increase awareness of cyber security's importance is to honour Cyber Security Awareness Month. Celebrated annually in October, Cyber Security Awareness Month is dedicated to helping people stay safe and secure online. This is a great time to hire an expert cyber security speaker - take a look at our expert selection of the 10 Best Speakers to Hire for Cyber Security Awareness Month!

Looking for a more extensive roster of cyber security speakers? Why not visit our sister company, The Cyber Security Speakers Agency?

To hire a cyber security speaker for your conference or event, contact The Motivational Speakers Agency today. Call one of our dedicated booking agents on 0207 0787 876 or complete our online contact form to begin the booking process.