Neil Lawrence, the DeepMind Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge, is heavily invested in machine learning models, having worked on them for over 25 years. Interested in learning about the challenges of deploying AI in the world, he leads AI@Cam, University of Cambridge’s flagship mission on AI. With years of experience at some of the most notable universities and organisations in the world, Neil is now available to share his expertise with audiences when he is hired as a speaker.
A Visiting Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Sheffield since 2010, Neil spent five years working as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield early on in his career. He has also been a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester. Today, Neil is also a Senior AI Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and one of the founders of the Gaussian Process Summer School, as well as the DALI Meeting and Data Science Africa.
Equipped with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southampton, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, Neil is fascinated by the interaction of machine learning with the physical world. His TEDx Talk “Living Together: Mind and Machine Intelligence” talks about the symbiotic relationship between human and computer intelligence. A revered personality in his field, Neil is a member of the UK’s AI Council and Innovate Cambridge’s steering committee and is the Chair of the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Advisory Board.
Having been the Director of IPC Machine Learning at Amazon, he worked on deploying machine learning solutions for Alexa and Prime Air. He has also been a Postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research and a Field Engineer on oil rigs in the North Sea. With a career like Neil’s, his election as Associate Editor in Chief for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence from 2011 to 2013 was apt. Now available to speak at a wide range of events, Neil Lawrence is an excellent choice to hire for your next AI or technology-related event. Hire him today!