As he was named one of Bloomberg’s 50 Most Influential Persons In Global Finance, Xie is now speaking to large audiences across the world as a motivational speaker. After graduating from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with an M.S. in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Economics, Andy kick started his career at the International Monetary Fund. He specialised in South-east Asian economies for seven years before joining Morgan Stanley as the Managing Director and Head of Asia Pacific Economics in 1997.
He was also appointed the Associate Director of Corporate Finance with Macquarie Bank for two years and spent five years as an economist with the World Bank. It was Xie that was responsible for the World Bank programmes in industry and finance in Indonesia and the telecom and power programmes in several other Asia-Pacific countries.
Since becoming one of the few economics to predict economic bubbles such as the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and the dot-com bubble, Andy has been in high demand to share his views through columns in highly regarded publications. He has written articles for the South China Morning Post, The New Century Weekly and Bloomberg to open readers eyes to his economic opinions and predictions surrounding bubbles.
Xie has announced an abundance of scarily accurate economic warnings throughout his career. In 2008 he uploaded a blog post titled “Apocalypse Soon” suggesting that the entire US financial system would soon unravel. Only a month later we saw Lehman Brothers file Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch was sold to the Bank of AmericaL.
A highly regarded voice within economics, Andy Xie has built up an impressive skill set over the nearing 30 years that he has been in the industry. Observing and analysing economic situations is seemingly second nature to him as he provides high quality and honest advice to companies and governments worldwide. An inspiration for his drive and ambition, Andy is able to deliver motivational speeches to any business or organisation looking for a boost when it comes to finance.