Women in Tech Speakers

Once male-dominated, the technology industry has experienced leaps and bounds in improvements for gender equality. However, with only 19% of the tech workforce currently female, there is still a way to go in making the industry more gender inclusive. A great way to increase this statistic is by hiring empowering women in tech speakers, who will share their motivational journey into the technology industry.

Hire The Official Best Women In Tech Speakers Now!

Throughout history, women have made monumental achievements in a male-dominated industry, shaping the industry as pioneering female technologists. In a world where only 3% of women say a career in technology is their first choice and only 5% of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women, it is vitally important that we empower more women to pursue careers in technology. Hire a Women in Tech guest speaker today to empower future generations of female technologists.

With 48% of women in STEM jobs reporting discrimination in the recruitment and hiring process, it is vitally important that businesses take a stance to make the STEM industries more inclusive toward women. There is also a lack of female talent entering the STEM industries, with only 30% of women taking STEM-related courses at university, emphasising the importance of encouraging female participation in technology and STEM across society.

Increase awareness of the lack of diversity in tech by booking one of our talented women in tech guest speakers, who will share their journey into the industry and the success stories they have achieved since. Our roster of women in tech speakers have gone against the odds, pioneering the technology sector with their revolutionary ideas and concepts.

Why is Technology a Male-Dominated Field?

Despite the technology industry having made leaps and bounds in terms of gender representation in comparison to previous decades, the below statistics demonstrate the alarming gender gap in the technology industry:

  • Only 3% of females say a career in technology is their first choice
  • Only 5% of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women
  • Women leave the tech industry at a 45% higher rate than men
  • 48% of women in STEM jobs report discrimination in the recruitment and hiring process
  • Only 30% of women take STEM-related courses at university

How Can a Women in Tech Speaker Inspire the Next Generation of Women Technologists?

Women in tech speakers can powerfully inspire other women to pursue careers in STEM. Their presence and achievements shatter the pervasive stereotypes about gender roles in these fields, standing out as role models that exemplify attainable success in STEM. Their experiences, challenges and triumphs resonate with potential female STEM aspirants, showing them that they are not alone in their journey. Women in tech speakers' influence extends beyond the immediate audience, they encourage societal change and empower future generations of women to pursue their dreams in STEM, in 2025 and beyond!

If you want to hire an inspirational women in tech speaker, contact The Motivational Speakers Agency today! Call one of our dedicated booking agents on 0207 0787 876 or complete our online contact form to begin the hiring process.