He is also now using his niche specialisms to perform as a motivational speaker for aspiring corporations or individuals.
After graduating from Durham University with a degree in Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies, Cornock gained a position at OBG as a Country Editor in 2005. He worked in a variety of Asian countries including Saudi Arabia and Jordan whilst working his way up to Managing Director of the Middle East in which he was promoted to in 2007.
Considered a leader within his field of expertise, Oliver has used his platform to comment on emerging economies for the BBC, CNN, CNBC and many other top media outlets. As well as featuring on BBC Radio 4 regularly, he also often writes for BBC World’s daily Newspaper Review.
Currently, Oliver is working as Editor-In-Chief for the Oxford Business Group, within this role he travels globally to attend high-brow economic conferences and lectures at some of the most highly regarded universities in the UK including Oxford University, Kings College London and University College London. He has also hosted interviews with highly respected businesspeople including the former Saudi Arabian Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources, the former Secretary general of Arab League and former Secretary-General of the UN.
An economic, business and finance inspiration, Oliver Cornock is available to book as a motivational speaker for corporate events across the UK.