With his motivational speeches, you will instantly be able to tell that he has researched deep into the topic, combining hours scientific research, public interviews and his own personal experiences into a one of a kind presentation. His primary goal is to alleviate the pressure in any environment, explaining how to find a way to overcome problems and to succeed in the workplace. He has over a decade of experience working in some of the most high-pressured environments and is determined to find the best route for his clients to overcome their fears.
While Marty loves to help companies become more efficient, and make even more money; he remembers the little guy. His comedic approach to the process of motivational speaking can be very appealing to a large proportion of your company.
We find it fascinating that he can teach audiences how to focus their thoughts, look past their fears and anxieties, embrace change and keep fear from determining the outcome of their lives. His presentation as a motivational speaker uses intelligent humour to put his audience at ease and ensure that his message is memorable for all delegates. He now finds himself as one of the most in-demand comedic motivational speakers on the circuit.