Peggy Liu has been at the heart of making China greener since 2007, spearheading the countries efforts for a more environmentally friendly future. She was appointed as Chairperson of the Joint US-China Collaboration on Clean Energy (JUCCCE) in 2007 and has since catalysed considerable change within Chinese society. Overseeing steps towards environmental sustainability, Peggy and JUCCCE have pushed smart-grid, energy-efficient lighting and eco-city development.
On a mission to change the fate of the country, Peggy has addressed 1000 government officials during her tenure as chairperson of JUCCCE educating and inspiring them to build sustainable cities and pioneer the future of eco-friendly innovation in the country. Peggy also founded Food Heroes, a healthy diet curriculum for children to help inspire people to move towards a diet that has a lower impact on the environment. Food Heroes is now the main priority of JUCCCE’s, and Peggy is spearheading the revolution of diets across China.
Alongside her mission to make China a greener place, Peggy has also dedicated her time to working as a professor and board member of various organisations. She currently acts as a Distinguished Professor at the China Academy of Governance and has also held roles as a lecturer at the China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong and a senior lecturer at the National Academy for Mayors of China. Peggy has also dedicated time to act as an Advisory Board Member of EAT, an Advisory Board Member of FTSE Russell and a Governor of The Hillary Institute. Additionally, she was formerly an advisor to Marks & Spencer and was also a member of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders.
Considered an industry-leading authority in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Peggy Liu is the perfect speaker to inspire actionable change. A catalyst of sustainability, Peggy is passionate to ensure that our future is a sustainable and eco-friendly one. Peggy has previously delivered TED talks and is sought as a speaker to influence and bring understanding to the importance of sustainability. Well-educated, authoritative and confident, Peggy is the perfect speaker to engage corporate audiences.