As a Doctor in Political Science, Olivier Kempf is a renowned General (2S) of the Army. He has worked on issues of cyber strategy and transformation for ten years, leading to him becoming one of the most influential thinkers in the French School of Cyberstratergy. When booked as a speaker, Olivier focuses on sharing his knowledge and experiences within the cyber industry with a keen audience.
In 2016, Olivier was given the opportunity to run the digital transition within the Army and designed the defence policy at the General Staff of the French Agency. As he developed his skills, he was able to launch twenty scouting projects, ten cross-functional projects, a policy of strategic control and a communication strategy through digital media. He is now a consultant on the challenges of digital transitions and cybersecurity strategy with large companies and government institutions in France and across the world.
As an expert in the cyber industry, Olivier has been able to teach sessions about cyber strategy at many different institutions including Polytechnique, Sciences-Po Paris, the École De Guerre and HEC. He has also published numerous articles and books throughout his career, such as “Introduction to cyber strategy” in 2015 and “Winning the cyber conflict” in 2016. As a respected figure, Olivier has become a key member of the Scientific Council of the International Cybersecurity Forum and directs the Cyber Strategy collection at Economica.
Olivier Kempf has gained expert knowledge during his time working for the army and he is now looking to share this with others, not only through his teaching sessions but also through attending speaking events. He has been able to work with clients globally and has developed a passion for mentoring which is why he is looking to share his expertise on cyber security and transformation with people willing to learn.