
Pride Month 2022: 5 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ+ Employees
Megan Lupton Official Author Picture
Megan Lupton |
With LGBTQ+ pride month fast approaching, now is the best time to reflect upon your company’s stance and make your workplace a more welcoming environment. For your LGBTQ+ employees, inclusion can mean the difference between feeling understood and…
Unconscious Bias
Chris Tompkins Official Author Picture
Chris Tompkins |
Diversity, equity, and inclusivity have never been more important in today’s dynamic business world. Leaders are beginning to realise the substantial cost of unconscious bias on their organisations as a result of employees feeling excluded in the…
Cyber Security
Mark Matthews Official Agent Image
Mark Matthews |
Being cyber secure is a crucial part of not only business, but life as a whole. In a world where we share and store so much sensitive information online, cyber crime is only becoming more prevalent. In order to keep such sensitive information safe,…
Learning at work week
Louisa Hayes Official Author Picture
Louisa Mason-Hayes |
Booking a speaker for Learning at Work Week can be a great way to inspire and drive real positive change in a company. Here at The Motivational Speakers Agency, we have ranked our most popular speakers for Learning at Work Week!