Sales News Posts


Ultimately, the sales industry keeps the world turning. Playing a vast role in the global economy, our sales speakers value the complex nature of supply and demand, resulting in an exciting opportunity to share with the audience how important a good Sales team can be.


From hosting a sales-driven conference to motivating your personal sales team, you can find tips on driving deals with suppliers and increasing your profit margins. In an arena like sales, where the ability to satisfy, push, and motivate others is essential to success, rest assured that our speakers have the ability to not only share an interesting message but do so in a confident, engaging manner. Companies are constantly competing in complex and unpredictable markets, as such industry knowledge from one of our sales speakers is vital to a prosperous business.


How Can Sales Speakers Help My Business?


Businesses are built on sales. With each business owner reliant on profits to keep their company from going under, sales are imperative to securing the longevity of a business. Supply and demand is the foundation of business, but a lot of the time customers need to be encouraged to demand the supply - this is where a sales speaker will benefit your business. 


A good sales team won’t push a consumer into making a purchase but will convince them that it is what they want, that it is their choice to make the sale. There are countless elements that affect the psychology of sales, from customer service to the length of a shopping aisle, sales speakers can explore the strategies that will benefit your business. 


It is imperative that salespeople are authentic, honest and trustworthy. In an industry stereotyped for its pushy, dishonest nature, make the decision to rewrite the image of sales by learning from an expert.

Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
Is your sales team ready for the new challenges and expectations of future customers? The best way to prepare your business is with a sales kick-off event. Such conferences and events feature sales speakers from around the world, who are equipped…
Customer Service
Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
In early October 2025, National Customer Service Week will recognise the achievements of customer service agents across the world. In a study, 89% of consumers were reportedly more likely to invest in a product or service following a…
Sales Conference
Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
As we look towards the new year, businesses across the world will be eager to kickstart their sales potential. What better way to do that, than with an informative, inspiring sales conference? At the Motivational Speakers Agency, we have collected…
Jordan Belfort
Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
The star behind the story of The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort is our featured speaker. An expert in sales, Jordan empowers businesses to drive growth in their marketing and sales. Author of Catching the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan has openly…