
person cutting paper that says "I can't"
Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
We take a look at some of the inspiring topics and motivational speakers ideal for the upcoming year. From diversity and inclusion to mental resilience, discover the perfect theme for your event in our comprehensive guide. 
Mental Health Awareness Week
Sophia Hayes Official Author Picture
Sophia Hayes |
As we emerge from the challenges of the previous years, awareness of mental health is more important than ever. Mental Health Awareness Week is celebrated annually, as a means of creating support for those affected by mental health. In a world where…
Jack Hayes Official Author Picture
Jack Hayes |
Is your sales team ready for the new challenges and expectations of future customers? The best way to prepare your business is with a sales kick-off event. Such conferences and events feature sales speakers from around the world, who are equipped…
Digital Disruption
Mark Matthews Official Agent Image
Mark Matthews |
Defined as the effect that changes in digital capabilities have on fundamental behaviours in cultures and markets, digital disruption will undoubtedly shape the future. With 70% of companies already having a digital transformation strategy in place…