
Black History Month
Chris Tompkins Official Author Picture
Chris Tompkins |
With the UK’s Black History Month (BHM) fast approaching, now is the time to book a powerful speaker for your inclusion-themed event. With their emotive accounts of prejudice and knowledge of Black history, these speakers have a resounding impact on…
Macroeconomic Speakers Official Feature Image
Louisa Hayes Official Author Picture
Louisa Mason-Hayes |
Macroeconomics studies the overall performance, behavior, and decision-making of an entire economy, including long-term growth and short-term business cycles. In contrast to microeconomics, which focuses on individual decision-makers, macroeconomics…
Stress Awareness Day Official Image
Sophia Hayes Official Author Picture
Sophia Hayes |
Stress Awareness Day prompts reflection on mental wellbeing, recognising stress as a widespread issue affecting about 33% of individuals, according to the American Institute of Stress. It underscores the importance of effective stress management to…
Transformational Leadership
Roxanna Farthing Official Author Picture
Roxy Farthing |
Learn how to inspire transformational leadership in your organisation by hiring one of our incredible leadership speakers for events in 2024.